Colleges in Miami Gardens, FL

There's 5 colleges found in Miami Gardens, FL. This is 1% of all the colleges listed in Florida. The major types of colleges listed here are private colleges and universities. Then there is also training schools listed in Miami Gardens. You may find a list of all categories of Miami Gardens colleges on this page. Click on a category to find all colleges of Miami Gardens of that type.

Miami Gardens Map with Colleges

Find colleges in Miami Gardens and nearby locations using the following map.

Miami Gardens Colleges in the Following Categories

The Miami Gardens places are listed in the following categories. Click on a category bellow to find all the colleges of that particular type.

Students by Race

The following chart shows distribution of college students in Miami Gardens based on their racial backgrounds.

Students by Gender

Following chart displays the ratio of male and female students studying in various colleges and universities of Miami Gardens.

Related Articles

The following articles will provide you with interesting information, useful tips and insights about colleges in Miami Gardens.

Types of College Degrees

You want to pursue a college degree, but you don’t know much about the degree options available to you. How do you know which degree is right for you? What are the requirements for each degree type? Here’s a quick guide to the four main types of college degrees: associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate. [Read More]

Classification of Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors in College

Student classification in college is quite different from student classification in high school. In high school, you were a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior based on your number of years in school. In college, your classification is based on the number of credits you have. What are credits, and how does this system work? [Read More]

How to Apply for Financial Aid for College

College application season can be a stressful time. Not only do you have to fill out college applications, but you also have to figure out how you’re going to pay for your education. This typically involves filling out even more applications for scholarships and grants. How do you find scholarships and grants? Once you find them, how do you apply? Here’s a guide to the basics. [Read More]

How to Choose Your College Major

Selecting a college major is a big, sometimes scary decision. With so many choices available, should you follow your heart or follow the money? How can you be sure there will be a job available in your field after graduation? Are some majors better than others? We’ve put together a list of the most important factors to consider as you choose the right path for your future! [Read More]

Find in Miami Gardens

Colleges of Miami Gardens are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Miami Gardens colleges of that type.

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